EU-Projekt: CSR promoting Diversity Management

CSR promoting Diversity Management

Different CSR models in Europe and different ways to promote diversity within enterprises? Practical recommendations to enterprises according to the CSR model adopted.

More and more enterprises integrate social and environmental challenges in their daily life and in their interaction with external partners. This is called corporate social responsibility. By committing themselves in voluntary CSR steps, enterprises respond both to their development objectives and to the expectations of the society. 

A CSR policy is characterized by different company initiatives that can have an impact on management, human resources management, purchase, production, marketing, communication policies. Outside the enterprises, it characterized by initiatives aiming at supporting the local economy, at reinforcing social cohesion and the development of the territory in which the enterprise operates. Also, the involvement of people who are marginalized in the job market, and the promotion of equal of opportunities and diversity management are linked with CSR. 

Pour la Solidarite and other European partners are currently involved in a project financed by the European Union, aiming at promoting CSR in Europe, and more specifically diversity within the enterprises, on its four intervention grounds commonly observed, namely enterprise positioning, recruitment and selection, personnel management, communication and awareness raising campaigns.

It will focus on the existence of different CSR models in Europe and on the way the two following questions are addressed in each model identified:

  • How can CSR and diversity within enterprises be promoted in order to facilitate the integration of marginalized workers and particularly poorly qualified youth coming from immigration backgrounds?
  • How can CSR and diversity within enterprises be promoted in order to prevent young workforce from emigrating?

The project aims at collecting, comparing and evaluating best practices and tools implemented in partner countries and regions (Germany, Poland, Romania, Italy, Spain, France, Belgium) and at recommending to the enterprises practices and tools promoting CSR, and more specifically promoting diversity towards young workers according to their national and/or regional peculiarities.

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